
October 29  | 8am - 12pm 

Online Check-In and Online Exhibitor Presentations Begin at 7am!


Click each logo to see a special presentation from our sponsors.


Click each logo to see a special presentation from our sponsors.

After you have logged in, please modify your Screen Name to include not just your First and Last Name, but also your Pesticide License #.

If you are having trouble with your computers Microsphone and Speakers, you may dial in to the Audio Portion of our presentation by calling in to one of these numbers: 

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 913 8205 8168

If you should have any difficulties logging in,

please contact us via email:

Rodent Control & Technology Online Workshop


October 29  | 8am - 12pm 


Online Check-In and Online Exhibitor Presentations Begin at 7am!



We invite you to join us for the NYPMA Rodent Control & Technology Workshop.  This two day virtual workshop will feature a mix of in-depth sessions featuring the latest research and technology in the pest management industry and how to combat rodents.  A great opportunity to directly reach the professionals working in the Rodent Control Industry.


The Rodent Control & Technology Workshop will cover the following topics…


October 29, 2020

  • Developing A Rodent Management Plan.
  • Strategies To Overcome Trap Shy Commensal Rodents.
  • The Latest on Electronic Monitoring.

Featured Speakers include:

October 29  | 8am - 12pm

Matt Frye, PhD, NYS IPM Program - Cornell University

Claudia Riegel, PhD. Termite & Rodent Control Board - City of New Orleans

Requirements for those seeking NJDEP Credits:

  • Applicators with a License/Recertification Period expiring October 31, 2020 will be given an exemption from the NJDEP online credit cap of 25% and are eligible for all credits, otherwise this exemption does not apply.  You will receive the credits as outlined in Column 2 below, if you have not already receivid Online Credits in a particular category.
  • Government issued photo ID is required and will be verified prior to and immediately after the  meeting (i.e. will not be video recorded)
  • Attendees must be visible throughout the entire session (with live video on) and must stay to the end.
  • Polls will be randomly scheduled, & attendance will be visually monitored by a moderator.
  • Call-ins (audio only) are not eligible for pesticide recertification credits; you need a computer/phone/tablet with *live* video capability.
DEC Logo

NYDEC Credits

NJDEP Credits*

Re-Certification Period

Ending 10/31/2020

NJDEP Credits*

25% Online Credits Cap

October 29th

11 - Household /  Health Related - 7

15 - Public Health - Vertebrate Pest - 7

18- Demonstration and Research - 7

23 - Park / School Pest Control - 7

October 29th

7A - General & Household Pest Control - 5

7D - Food Processing - 4

8A - Gen. Public Health - 5

13 - IPM in Schools - 4

October 29th

7A - General & Household Pest Control - 4

7D - Food Processing - 4

8A - Gen. Public Health - 4

13 - IPM in Schools - 4

NJDEP Credits will Apply to Applicator Licenses in time for Oct 31 Deadline.

* Applicators with a License/Recertification Period expiring October 31, 2020 will be given an exemption from the NJDEP online credit cap of 25% and are eligible for all credits, otherwise this exemption does not apply.  You will receive the credits as outlined in Column 2 above, if you have not already received Online Credits in a particular category.


This is a Joint Presentation by the NYPMA and the NJPMA
